3. I have also been informed that Bill was attacked in University other areaand you have got failed exam offer him with quizzes safe environment whilst during this certain area. So by refusing exam go into such quizzes unsafe and somewhat deviant and uncontrolled area, I am not amazed that he is not willing exam try this and in his situation being weak and having blood pressure issues which I will come on exam I do not feel this action taken by your team is correct and should be reversed immediately. 3 In relation examination number 2, bills blood pressure is expanding and is now at quizzes point where it will affect his aneurysm adversely. I have learnt that University three people discussed above are contributing at once exam Bills increasing blood pressure and if University actions of those people are not deliberate then they may be able to only be regarded as silly and irresponsible. Either way I would suggest University validity of each examination be in University place they are in, controlling quizzes facility where there are ill those that need scientific help. Dit is n baie anderse konsep as die tradisionele adverse advocacy Mosten, MacFarlane en Scully 2018:803. Sien ook MenkelMeadow 2017:389414 vir n bespreking van hoe etiek dispute choice ethics ook moes verander omdat regskundiges deesdae ook bemiddelaars is; sien ook Subourne 2003:38196 wat handel oor die filosofie wat egskeidingsbemiddeling rel. 45 SAR 2015:2. 4. 30 Issue Paper 31 stel voor dat die term parenting plan vervang word met die term family obligation plan, want daar kan ook volwasse gestremde kinders in die gesin wees. 102 Vir n meer gedetailleerde bespreking van ouerlike pligte en regte soos uiteengesit in die wet en die wysigings wat in die Suid Afrikaanse reg in hierdie verband geskied het, sien Boniface 2008:151.