Studies have shown, though, that greater than 80% of all rear end collisions are due primarily exam human associated factors, such as driver inattention, exterior distractions, following too carefully, and poor judgment. Furthermore, about 94% of pronounced rear end crashes occur on instantly roads, suggesting that visibility issues or curves are not examination be blamed IVHS VI, 1994. To design valuable countermeasures for rear end collisions, for this reason, it is essential exam keep in mind intimately human factors issues related exam University behavioral, attentional, perceptual, and psychomotor features of driver performance. One of University most wide stories examination check University reason behind rear end collisions was University Indiana Tri Level Study, which decided that direct driver errors were University definite or likely cause of crash causation in 93% of crashes Treat, Trumbas, McDonald, Shinar, Hume, Mayer,Stansifer and Catellan, 1979. A45. pdfNational Transportation Safety BoardWashington, D. DuringtheGreekera,HippocratesofCosemphasizedtherationaltreatmentofsicknessasanaturalratherthanagod inflictedphenomenon. Hippocrates460370B. C. isconsideredthefatherofmedicinebecauseofhisarrangementsoftheoralandwrittenremediesanddiseases,whichhadlongbeensecretsheldbypriestsandreligioushealers,intoatextbookofmedicinethatwasusedforcenturiesBulloughandBullough,1978. InGreeksociety,healthwasconsideredtoresultfromabalancebetweenmindandbody. Hippocrateswroteamostimportantbook,Air,Water,andPlaces,whichdetailedtherelationshipbetweenhumansandtheenvironment.